Custom Award Ribbons For Your Company Party
Posted on: 28 October 2018
You're throwing a company party and you want to make the event a hit with all your staff. The goal of your company party is to show appreciation for all your great employees and to keep them around for the long term.
You want to make the event customized, showcasing each employee based on their skills, loyalty, accomplishments, and other benefits to your company. You can do this by buying custom award ribbons that you can present to each employee in turn at your company party. Your customers will be impressed and touched that you went out of your way to make the party special to them in particular and they'll understand how much their commitment to your business means to you.
Unsure about ideas for custom award ribbons? Use this guide to assist you.
Most friendly
An award for most friendly staff member is a great way to break the ice. This is an award to gift to your employee who always has a smile and a greeting for everyone, from customers to other coworkers. A variation of this award can be best customer service, most social, or other verbiage to get your point across.
Most sales
If you're a sales-based company, awarding a custom ribbon to the person with the most sales for the year can be beneficial. Make sure to include a ribbon for all your employees for similar achievements, such as largest individual sale, most return clients, and so forth.
Best attendance
An employee who rarely misses work unless they are ill or have an emergency is one who is dedicated to your company and their job. Award the people who rarely miss work with a custom ribbon they'll cherish.
Best office space
Do you have an employee who keeps a creative office area or who has an exceptionally clean desk? This is a trait you shouldn't ignore; give your employee with the best office space a ribbon they can proudly add to their walls.
Best accomplishments
An employee who has shown great improvements in the office or who has integrated special practices to make your company flourish can be given this award for best accomplishments. This award can be altered to most improved or other variation on the same theme.
Make sure you have a personal award to give all your employees so everyone gets to shine in their own light. Your award maker will custom design the best ribbons for your event. Contact a company, like Olympic Enterprises, to get started.