Benefits Of Shipping With Custom Mailing Tubes
Posted on: 8 October 2021
When you run a business, it can sometimes be difficult to settle on the best possible shipping methods for your products. Boxes can be damaged, and envelopes can bend, which may cause the items that you're shipping to be bent as well. Depending on what you're mailing, custom mailing tubes may be a great option. These tubes can be used to protect the items they enclose as they travel through the mail, keeping them safe from warps, bends, and other damage. There are numerous benefits to shipping with custom mailing tubes, including the following:
Perfect for Mailing Paper Items
Businesses that sell art, posters, or maps may find that these tubs are the perfect fit for mailing their products. Documents can also be shipped quite easily in customized paper tubes, making them a good option for mailing certificates, official documentation, and more. These tubes can cost less to ship than cardboard boxes or large envelopes, depending on the size of the item being shipped. However, you'll need to check rates with the post office before mailing to determine precisely what it will cost to send your paper items.
Highly Resistant to Damage
Custom cardboard mailing tubes are highly resistant to damage, which makes them an excellent option for shipping. Documents that are mailed in boxes may experience damage to the corners through the shipping process. Alternatively, documents that are packaged in mailing envelopes may need to be folded, or they may develop folds or creases while in transit. When you ship an important document, map, or work of art, you want it to arrive in excellent condition so that it can be framed and not show any lines from being folded or creased. Rolling it into a mailing tube allows you to achieve these results, every time.
Allow for Custom Branding
When you opt to utilize custom mailing tubes for your business, you can also boost awareness of your business at the same time. Mailing tubes allow for custom branding and advertising, so you can print them with your logo, website address, and social media information. This way you combine advertising and shipping as you send your products on their way. As a business owner, it's important that the products you sell arrive at their destination in the best condition possible. Custom mailing tubes can help make sure this happens.
Reach out to a company that produces these tubes today so that you can protect your products throughout the shipping process. A company like Chicago Mailing Tube Co. can provide further information.