New To Color Grading? Follow These Tips For Beginners

Posted on: 28 May 2020

If you are just starting to do your own color grading in video post-production, you may feel a bit daunted by the task that is in front of you. Thankfully, it's not as hard as it seems to get your footage to look great. Here are some color grading tips that every beginner should know. Shoot Your Footage In Log Mode When you are picking a shooting mode in your camera, it helps to know the differences between two different shooting modes.
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How A Bail Bonds Agent Can Help With The Bail Process

Posted on: 2 April 2020

Finding out a loved one is in jail can be startling, and all you may be thinking about is getting them out. If you can't afford the bail's entire amount, then you'll need to get a bail bond. This will be a lot easier to do when you work with a bail bonds agent. They can help in so many ways. Speed Up the Process If you tried getting a bond yourself and having it go through, you may be waiting for quite a while.
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Six Mistakes That Could Unnecessarily Drive Up Surety Bond Prices

Posted on: 2 April 2020

When you're on the market for a surety bond, you might be wondering what price you should be expected to pay for a surety bond that meets your needs. Surety bonds can vary widely in price. Fortunately, there are a few things you may be able to do to bring costs down. The following are six mistakes you can avoid to minimize the price of your surety bond.  Not properly presenting your financial documents
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Tips For Storing Upholstered Furniture In A Self-Storage Unit

Posted on: 30 October 2019

Large furniture such as a sofa, recliner, and easy chair take up a lot of room in a storage unit, so it's natural to want to store things on top of them or cram them into the unit so everything fits. However, upholstered furniture can be damaged if it isn't stored properly, and the last thing you want to do is pay for storage for months and then go back and find your furniture has been ruined.
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